Home Abaqus to ParaView

Abaqus to ParaView

At one point, I need to do some postprocessing on the result data from Abaqus. Abaqus python scripting is a great tool but it does not satisfy my needs. I eventually choose ParaView due to its open source and visualization pipeline. I can write my own filter to perform complex postprocessing tasks at the speed of C/C++! In fact, most of the time I do not even have to implement details because ParaView already has a rich library of filters where I can combine to achieve what I need. Then, the question becomes, how do I read output database from Abaqus in ParaView? This is how I get started for this project and we eventually published a paper in an open source journal to talk about the designs.

Most of the feedback/complains I got is that the Python version is running slow for converting large ODB files. When I wrote the code, I want to it be used out of the box. Importing other packaged libraries is not an option. Downside is that I use Python IO to write data line by line. This is largest bottleneck in performance. In retrospect, there are probably two options in Python:

  1. Find a Python library which can transfer numpy data in memory and write them down in C. Does it exist? How is the compatibility in Python 2.7?
  2. Implement it by myself in C and wrap it with Python. Very catchy but I do not know how much time it takes. I have never written a Python package before.

In the end, I just get away with C++ implementation (Abaqus provides API for both Python and C++). So if you have a large ODB to convert, just stick to C++!

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